Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Strong America

Does it really make the U.S. stronger to have a leader who stretches our military thin while draining the money out of our economy? Haven't we seen the results of that, and learned our lessons from it, already?

Will it all be made better when we cut taxes even more (fewer $$ coming in), stay in Iraq indefinitely (more $$ going out), and proceed to "Bomb, bomb, bomb,...bomb, bomb Iran" (the military stretched ever thinner)?

If ever there was a recipe for bankrupting the nation, destroying our defenses, and ruining our economy, this would be it.

Besides, when I think of clean, safe, alternative forms of energy, building 45 to 100 nuclear power plants is not the first thing that comes to mind. Though, just maybe, with enough molasses or vegetable oil it will finally be a snap to clean up toxic subterranean plumes of nuclear waste before they reach our major rivers and turn us all into the water-supply-poisoning victims defended by Erin Brockovich.

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